Standing up today to celebrate motherhood,
I looked back down the memory lane;
There stood tall and very able,
A Mother in Israel -
An epitome of righteousness,
An enigma that is worth celebrating;
A woman of substance with faultless humility.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
Her worth is priceless, more than rubies.
Most blessed among women, respected by all;
Cherished by her own and loved by all and sundry.
Courageous, virtuous, sincere and abundantly endowed with beauty.
Your sweet words, golden eyes and golden hairs with a perfect countenance
Make the work of your creation perfect.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
A woman who knows how to turn sadness to joy;
Hatred to love, fear to faith;
Failure to success, sickness to sound health;
Backwardness to greatness, sorrow to bliss/happiness;
Hopelessness to great achievement and nothingness to something;
And makes you discover and believe in your god-given abilities.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
A woman who knows how to maintain her house
And make a godly home;
A home where love is the cord of unity,
A home where the Bible is loved and taught,
A home where the children are taught of the Lord,
A home where the Holy Spirit is her Senior Partner,
And Jesus, the Chief Cornerstone;
A home where she fully supports her husband in all things;
A home that is crowned with beauty which the love of God has wrought,
A home where she, in queenly quest strives to show others God’s way is best;
A home that is free from the blight of wrong and evil;
A home that you can proudly call ‘My Home’.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
You carried me in your womb for nine months,
Weaned and nursed me with so much love and care
That it’s impossible for me to forget till eternity.
You watched me carefully as I grow,
Through the days and nights, the thick and thin;
Through the stormy blast and the scorching sun,
In dearth and in abundance, in sickness and in sound health;
You raised me up to stand on your shoulders,
Taught me how to love and making me who I am.
You brought out the hero inside of me,
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
You showed me the paths of life where I need to follow,
Gave me over to Jesus –
One of the best decisions you’ve ever made on earth,
And you pray for me always.
You thought me that with patience, persistence and perseverance
Plus the fear of God, I can achieve all things.
You call and whisper to me
Through the quite and transient moments of the dark,
And cheerfully sing chants of praises
Which motivate me to see again the rising of the sun;
And the dawn of new heights in life.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
You sing like one of the Angels
That worship continually before God,
With a melodious voice that resembles
That of the Princess of the Island;
While you skillfully play your tuned violin,
Which causes even the dead to rise and dance
With uncontrollable gesture.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
Looking at you from head to toe, left to right and all around;
All I see is unimaginable beauty.
I have come to realize that
True physical beauty is not when a lady at her teen or up to 30 years
Is attractively irresistible;
But when a real woman after 50 years
Is still beautiful and gorgeously adorned with so much attractiveness.
And this is simply achievable
By fulfilling your god-given roles as a real woman.
I see that the Lord is a perfect Creator who works wonders.
Only God can create such a most desirable Woman like you.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
I wish a wish which I will always wish for you,
That God should grant you a longer life on earth,
So as to celebrate more of God in your life;
To see your labors coming to fruition;
And to see how you grow and increase graciously into nations.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
Should God ask me to choose another Mum,
I will choose you over and over again,
Because there is no woman like you on earth.
One of the greatest things I covet from God
Is for Him to grant me a wife
That is like you and greater than you in all ways.
You are the greatest Mum, a pearl and rare gift from God.
You are the greatest Mum in the whole Universe.
I love you dearie Mum.